The Tom Bearden

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Tom Bearden listing in Marquis' Who'sWho in America - 2004

Bearden, Thomas Eugene. Research scientist, researcher; b. Cheniere, LA., Dec. 17, 1930; m. Doris Faye McDonald, 1964. B.S. in math, NE La. Univ., 1953; MS in Nuc. Engring., Ga. Inst. Tech., 1971; PhD in Sci. (hon.), Trinity College, U.K., 1999. Commd. U.S. Army, 1954, adv. through grades to lt. col., intelligence specialist air def. and ABM def.1960-75, ret; dir. Assn. Disting. Am. Scientists, Huntsville, Ala. 1995 —; ceo CTEC, Inc., Huntsville, 1995 —. Fellow emeritus Alpha Foundation’s Inst. for Advanced Study, 1998 —. Author: (scientific book) Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles, contbr. articles to profl. jours. Mem.: Am. Assn. Physics Tchrs. Achievements include discovery of solution to the problem of the source charge and its associated EM fields and potentials; corrected flaw in 3-law Aristotelian logic to 5-law logic; discovery of proposed mechanism for excess antigravity accelerating expansion of the universe; extension to Becker’s model of the cellular regenerative system; thermodynamics of permissible COP over 1.0 electrical power systems; co-inventor of Motionless Electromagnetic Generator; discovery of mechanism for practical antigravity; correction of Second Law of Thermodynamics to include negentropic systems; EM epigenetic reprogramming mechanism in the Prioré effect; mechanisms used in advanced Soviet energetics weapons; circuits using the nondiverged Heaviside energy flow component arbitrarily discarded by Lorentz; proposed mechanism for excess gravity holding the arms of spiral galaxies together. Avocations: aikido (retired, sandan), author, consultant. Office: Assn. Distinguished Am. Scientists PO Box 1472 Huntsville AL 35807.